Please do yourself and everyone within earshot a favor and shut the hell up. You don't know what you're talking about. You just say things. In fact, you're the original Guy Who Says Things. You're very under-informed, but that won't stop you from spouting your opinion. Especially if you're more informed than you neighbor. Leave the guy alone. It's okay to tell him basic principles and rules of the game. Educate him so that he may better appreciate the sport in front of him. But do not ramble about your opinions.
There is nothing more irritating to a fellow fan than someone sitting behind him saying things. The fact is, what you're saying probably isn't even your opinion. You probably heard some talking head on ESPN talk about this player doing this or this coach doing that. You've taken that limited, anecdotal evidence and applied it to this game. That's bad, but you only make it worse by verbalizing your poor thoughts and letting everyone around you know them.

And of course, the worst part is that you don't know that you're wrong. You think that because you have this information and others aren't saying anything that you're the only person who can possibly have an opinion on this game. You think that what you're saying is correct because no one else is saying anything. And when anyone else tries to correct you, you just try to prove them wrong and contest their points.
Here's the thing GWSTaSE, we're tired of it. It's annoying. It's ruining our good time at the game. There's nothing wrong with opinions. You can have one. But please, back it up with fact. That's your problem. If you just took the time to look things up, to read stats, to learn about your players and coaches, you'd have a much better base for your opinion. Yes, sports are a gut feeling sometimes. But unlike politics, love, or diner food, sports is based in more than gastronomic rumblings. There are facts and figures that go along with sports. And it's not even that hard to find them.
But until such time as you do get some learning behind you, please do me a solid and shut up.
1 comment:
i knew from the beginng this sounded like andrew.
youre a witty kid
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