Monday, April 28, 2008

A new low.

Guest blog from our good friend Josh.

"Sometimes I come across excellent music in unexpected places. I’ll be browsing the internet or listening to the radio and hear something that is extraordinarily good or different, something that is just over and above other music. Unfortunately this was not one of those times. Recently I was given the (as of yet unreleased) album of a new artist who goes by “Berto the Guitarist.” I want to say that the album was less clichéd than the artist’s name, but I can’t do that in good conscience. It was almost worse than the new ‘Flo-Rider’ album. In addition to very poor creativity, lyrics, and overall music composition, the performance of the songs was downright abominable, very similar to Soulja Boy. Actually, if Soulja Boy did hippie rock I am pretty sure this is exactly what the album would sound like. I give it a rating of ‘Piss-Poor.’ It was almost worse than that time that graham crackers got under the refrigerator…"

(*Face blurred for the sake of privacy. The album is just that terrible.*)

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