Monday, October 13, 2008

Heroes: Stop Annoying Me

I was going to make this witty and long with many points backing up my thesis (my thesis = Heroes annoyed me tonight), but now not so much. The issue is, Heroes keeps introducing shades of gray into their characterizations, rather than having everyone just being good or bad in a black and white manner. That's good, but they're overdoing it.

Sylar isn't a heartless killer, he's a somewhat intelligent and empathetic man that can be redeemed.

Peter now has "Gabriel's" power, and he's turning into what Sylar is trying not to be. [Not to mention his uber-annoying future self].

Stephen Canfield isn't actually a bad guy who needs to go back to Level 5, he's just misunderstood by The Company, particularly Noah Bennett.

And Noah, let's not get started there. All he wants to do is kill Sylar, and with good reason, but Sylar's quotes about him being a "user" of people ring too true for a supposed good guy.

Mohinder? Well, he's mad with power and encasing people in a mucus like substance. Why is he doing that? For reasons.

Hiro even killed his best friend. Not that that one will stick, but WTF. Ando is awesome, and Hiro killed him nonchalantly.

Of course the show is still entertaining. The story of the formula has great potential, as does the Noah-Sylar dynamic. Peter and Sylar's looming showdown will be great too. Now please Heroes writers, let's just have a little less of you beating me over the head with how many of the characters aren't what we thought they were.

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