Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pictures That Make Me Laugh at Midnight

So I know that this is a sports and entertainment blog. I get that. I concepted the idea with Steve in Papa Kagan's class. I know it's not for personal thoughts or reflections. The thing is, it's currently midnight, the very beginning of June 30th, 2008. I've been on summer break for well over a month now and I've only seen a few of my friends from school, and that really hasn't been to hang out. It's been rough not getting to see or talk to the guys who made a wacky year of dorm living so bearable and fungasmic.

But I was perusing the facebook website and came across some fun pictures that made me laugh out loud. Not a "lol," but a genuine, doubled over, laugh. These pictures are all of the five of us in our natural habitat, the 2201 Calvert. (Aside: I'm probably giving away too much information right now. But the way I see it, Starbucks is overpriced. Also, the only people who read this blog are people we know anyway, so it doesn't really matter. ) As my way of rationalizing this blog to the motif of the overall "says things" ethos, I'm just going to say that these pictures will certainly inform people of who we are and what we're about. Our blog seems inane and almost certainly insane. We have weird random in-jokes and things that will make all five of us laugh.

I present the first picture, the one that originally made me want to write this post.

Of course, a picture like this is worth a thousand words and deserves all sorts of an explanation. By the way, if any of the bloggers on this website don't find this picture extremely amusing, he's out of my top five.

Basically, Steve is applying spackle to the wall where he busted it with a Boom move and I'm choking out Rob. If you've ever seen an action spy movie, the hero always comes up behind a guard, puts a chookehold on him, then says "shh, shh, shh" as the victim is put to sleep and laid on the ground by the hero. That's what I'm doing to Rob in this picture. With the sound effects and everything.

So I wrote that over the summer. And then I "lost my muse." I just couldn't find any way to write about it. It's not that I didn't have anything to say about it, it's just that I couldn't find the words to fully express that picture. So here I am, in October, almost four months later. A third of a year has passed. Some of my original groanings were fulfilled. I saw my friends. Hanging out happened. Rob yelled at me ad nauseum to finish this damn blog post. And I have no idea how to finish it. So I'm just gonna publish it. Not like anyone read this shit anyways.

Peace yo

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